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Browser support
Full support
Available in Chrome from version 72 Chrome
Available in Edge from version 79 Edge
Available in Firefox from version 78 Firefox
Available in Opera from version 60 Opera
Available in Safari from version 14.1 Safari
Available in Chrome Android from version 72 Chrome Android
Available in Firefox for Android from version 79 Firefox for Android
Available in Opera Android from version 51 Opera Android
Available in Safari on iOS from version 14.5 Safari on iOS
Available in Samsung Internet from version 11.0 Samsung Internet
Available in WebView Android from version 72 WebView Android
Available in WebView on iOS from version 14.5 WebView on iOS
Available in Deno from version 1.8 Deno
Available in Node.js from version 12.0.0 Node.js
Alternativ use
Intl.ListFormat can also be used from Array.prototype.toLocaleString()
["Miso", "Sesam", "Mami"]
Miso, Sesam, and Mami
type: "conjunction"
Miso, Sesam, and Mami
type: "disjunction"
Miso, Sesam, or Mami
type: "unit"
Miso, Sesam, Mami
style: "long"
Miso, Sesam, and Mami
style: "short"
Miso, Sesam, & Mami
style: "narrow"
Miso, Sesam, Mami
localeMatcher: "best fit"
Miso, Sesam, and Mami
localeMatcher: "lookup"
Miso, Sesam, and Mami
conjunction + style
type: "conjunction",
style: "long"
Miso, Sesam, and Mami
type: "conjunction",
style: "short"
Miso, Sesam, & Mami
type: "conjunction",
style: "narrow"
Miso, Sesam, Mami
disjunction + style
type: "disjunction",
style: "long"
Miso, Sesam, or Mami
type: "disjunction",
style: "short"
Miso, Sesam, or Mami
type: "disjunction",
style: "narrow"
Miso, Sesam, or Mami
unit + style
type: "unit",
style: "long"
Miso, Sesam, Mami
type: "unit",
style: "short"
Miso, Sesam, Mami
type: "unit",
style: "narrow"
Miso Sesam Mami